Pastor Laurie A. Jones - Lead Pastor
As a life-long Lutheran, Laurie grew up in Southern California, the third of four children born to Esther & Otis Jones. Shaped by her family of origin and her family of faith, she was mentored by Sunday school teachers and youth leaders to lay leaders and pastors. After completing her under-graduate degree and spending several years in Santa Fe, NM actively involved in a new mission start—Lutheran Church of the Servant—and after having been both nagged and encouraged by her beloved friends and mentors, Isa and Pastor Jay Spoonheim, she began a new adventure by heading off to St. Paul, MN to attend Luther Seminary. Upon graduating from Luther with an MDiv degree in May, 1997, she was ordained at Holy Redeemer in Bellflower, CA on June 15, 1997 and began her first call at Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Watertown, SD. From 2000-2016 she served alongside, Pastor Erik Wilson Weiberg, at Ballard First Lutheran in Seattle before finding a new home among the saints of Central Lutheran where she has served since October, 2016.