Events This Week
This Week
Monday, Mar. 10
Book Club at 7pm via Zoom (link here)
Tuesday, Mar. 11
Pocket Concert Featuring the Blugene Brass at Noon in the Sanctuary or via Livestream (link here)
Lenten Soup Supper at 5:15pm in the Parish Hall
Children's Choir Rehearsal 5:45-6:45pm in the Nicki Hanson Music Room/Sanctuar
Junior Cantors Rehearsal 6:55-7:30pm in the Gathering Room
Adult Education at 6pm in the Library
Holden Evening Prayer Midweek Lenten Worship at 7pm in the Sanctuary or via livestream (link here)
Wednesday, Mar. 12
Men's Bible Study at 8am at the Springs at Greer Gardens (1282 Goodpasture Island Rd)
Pastor's Bible Study on break until after Easter
Lenten Midweek Matins Worship Service at Noon in the Chapel
Thursday, Mar. 13
Next Chapter at 10am in the CLCW Room
Women's Bible Study at 11am hybrid in the Library or via Zoom (link here)
Handbell Rehearsal at 5:15 in the Nicki Hanson Music Room
Sunday, Mar. 16
Looking Ahead...
Light & Hope Amidst Our Deep Darkness: A Candlelight Service of Music and Scriptures on Sunday, March 9 at 7:30pm​
St. Cecilia Music Endowment Fund presents the second of three noontime "Pocket Concerts" in the Sanctuary on Tuesday, March 11 featuring the Blugene Brass. Invite a friend, bring your lunch, and enjoy some really great music!
Lenten Midweek Services - Tuesday nights at 7pm (March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8)
Lenten Midweek Services - Wednesday Noon (March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9)