We believe
In the mystery of the one loving God who creates, sustains, redeems and restores everyone and everything, therefore we will live in hope, trusting God in all things.
God the creator is the source of love, life, hope and salvation. therefore, we will reflect God’s love as we go out to share the Good News
God became human in Jesus who lived to serve, died to save, and rose to give everlasting life, therefore we will walk in the way of Jesus.
God the Holy Spirit in us breathes life, inspires faith, challenges sin, and empowers Christ-like service, therefore we will embrace God’s unleashing of the Spirit in our lives, church and the world.
The Bible is inspired Sacred Story instructing us for salvation and equipping us to become God’s servants, therefore we will diligently study the Bible and allow it to shape the way we live.
The Church is a people united by God in Christ, empowered by the Spirit to discover grace, grow in faith, and serve the world, therefore we will join together in love to serve God, each other and the world.
Worship in Word and Sacrament engages us with the eternal God, transforming our lives through solemn encounter and joyful praise, therefore we will worship God together and in our daily lives.
Communicating with God in prayer attunes our lives to God’s will and changes us, others and our world, therefore we will open ourselves to God in prayer, always and everywhere.